Most of the Company employees work at Bulgartransgaz EAD Headquarters. Here is also located the Central dispatching division. This key division performs centralized operative management, control and coordination of the processes in the system. Its primary task is to ensure and maintain data exchange and synchronization with the gas transmission networks of the neighboring countries.

Regional units involved in the implementation of particular activities have been established in order to ensure reliable management, maintenance and development of the gas infrastructure.


The region was founded on January 27, 1974 and serves the gas transmission network from Yantra river undercrossing to Sofia, and also part of the southern semi-ring of the city of Sofia to the town of Elin Pelin.

Here is located compressor station Polsky Senovets.

Botevgrad region comprises a total of 573 km gas transmission pipelines and gas pipeline branches of the NGTN.


The region was established in 1974 to carry out operation of the gas pipeline from the Bulgarian-Romanian border to the Yantra river undercrossing and part of the southern semi-ring from Valchi dol to Luda Kamchiya river undercrossing.

Compressor stations Valchi dol, Kardam 1, Kardam 2 and Provadiya are located in the region.

The area of ​​Valchi dol region comprises a total of 633 km gas transmission pipelines and gas pipeline branches of the NGTN and 170 km of gas transmission pipelines of the GTNTT.


The region has been in operation since 1977 and serves the section of the gas transmission system from Line valve (LV) Partizani to LV Rosen, Pazardzhik district.

Compressor stations Lozenets and Strandja are located in this region.

Stara Zagora region comprises a total of 505 km gas transmission pipelines and gas pipeline branches of the NGTN and 447 km gas transmission pipelines of the GTNTT.


The region has been in operation since 1990 and comprises the western part of the southern semi-ring of the town Stamboliyski to town Elin Pelin.

Compressor stations Ihtiman and Petrich are located in the region.

Ihtiman region comprises a total of 123 km gas transmission pipelines and gas pipeline branches of the NGTN and 313 km gas transmission pipelines of the GTNTT.


The Underground gas storage (UGS Chiren) has been established on the basis of the depleted gas condensate field Chiren found on 16.08.1963 by blowout of well P-3, attached to the homonymous thrust local structure. It is located about 20 km northwest of Vratsa with dimensions of 15/7 km.

By Decision No. 805 of the Council of Ministers dated 4.11.1963  the joint venture for oil and gas production - Pleven was founded, including "Oil and Gas" - Chiren. Chiren was established as gas production section to the joint venture "Oil and Gas" - Pleven on 01.01.1964.

By Decision No. 32/28.06.1966 of the Council of Ministers dated 08.01.1966, the joint venture "Oil and Gas" - Pleven was restructured and transferred for management by DSO "Neftohim". The newly established company functioned as DP "Oil and Gas" - Chiren having a business account and becoming self-supported as an individual legal entity.

During the period 1965 - 1967 the cement plant "Beli Izvor" was gasified, supplied by limited gas quantities extracted from the gas-condensate field Chiren.

The first gas quantities for the plant were supplied on 06.02.1965. The planned design production of the field was achieved in 1967, when its exploration was completed. That production continued until 1974.

In 1974 the construction of underground gas storage Chiren and the operation of the gas pipeline branches commenced: Batultsi - Chiren, Chiren - Cement Plant - Beli Iskar, Chiren - Chemical Plant - Vratsa, Chiren - Montana.

So far 43 operating cycles of the storage have been performed and the total injection amounts to 10.9 bcm and the withdrawal -  9,7 bcm.