EIC codes are issued and maintained by the Central Issuing Office EINTSO-E and/or Local Issuing Offices.
The following have the status of Local Issuing Office for issuing EIC codes in the Republic of Bulgaria:
- Bulgartransgaz EAD – responsible for issuing EIC codes related to natural gas market;
- Electricity System Operator (ESO) EAD – responsible for issuing EIC codes related to electricity market.
To obtain an EIC code it is required to:
- Download and fill in the Request form;
- Send the Request form filled, signed and stamped to the following address:
Bulgartransgaz EAD
66 Pancho Vladigerov Blvd.
Sofia 1336
The requests for issuing identifications for legal entities – EIC type (X) shall be accompanied by a copy of a valid state-of-play certificate and a copy of the applicant’s UIC/VAT code.
To enhance the efficiency of the codes issuing process, please send a scanned copy of the abovementioned documents (filled in, signed and stamped Request form, copy of a valid state-of-play certificate and a copy of the UIC/VAT code) to the following e-mail:
The codes with international significance are verified by the Central Issuing Office for EIC codes issuing – ENTSO-E.
The deadline for response is 3 weeks as of request receipt.
If necessary, a representative of the Local Issuing Office will contact you.
By applying for EIC code(s) and/or using your EIC code(s) you agree with the provisions described in the EIC Reference Manual for the EIC Energy Identification Coding Scheme.
EIC codes type X shall be issued only to parties that do not already own another X type EIC, registered against the provided company VAT number.
In line with the requirements of Article 9(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011, the market participants referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 shall be registered with the national regulatory authority prior and present in the Centralised European Register of Market Participants (ACER CEREMP) to entering into a transaction which is required to be reported to the Agency in accordance with Article 8(1).
For more information on the requirements for registration as market participant and access to the portal for Market Participants registration used by the Bulgarian NRA, please visit the web-sites of ACER CEREMP and EWRC.
In line with the requirements of Article 10(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 and ACER Decision 01-2012, the registration of the market participants in ACER CEREMP shall be supplemented by an EIC code and this code shall be used for REMIT reporting purposes.
The EIC of the market participant provided in ACER CEREMP must be used by the network user for its registration on the Regional Booking Platform (RBP) and Bulgartransgaz’s Commercial Dispatching Platform (CDP).
On 1 March 2021, ACER activated new validation rules on the reported gas and electricity transportation data.
The rules will require that the reported EIC type-X which is used to identify a market participant in the reported data is registered in the Centralised European Register of Market Participants.
Upon the activation of the rules, all reported records containing EIC codes as identifiers of Market Participants that are not present in the ACER CEREMP will be rejected.