Project 101069718 — 6.20.2-BG-W-M-21-Chiren-UGS-Expansion – CEF-E-2-2021-PCI,
Regarding the implementation of PCI 6.20.2 Chiren UGS Expansion
Project 101069718-6.20.2-BG-W-M-21-Chiren-UGS-Expansion–CEF-E-2-2021-PCI for construction works under PCI 6.20.2 Chiren UGS Expansion was approved and co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) after applying under the CEF-E-2021-PCI campaign, and a grant agreement was signed between Bulgartransgaz EAD and the funding institution CINEA in June 2022.
The realization of the project contributes to the implementation of PCI 6.20.2 Chiren UGS Expansion whose objective is to increase the capacity of the only gas storage facility in Bulgaria in order to achieve larger volumes of stored gas, including increased gas reservoir pressures and higher average daily withdrawal and injection rates.
Project 101069718-6.20.2-BG-W-M-21-Chiren-UGS-Expansion–CEF-E-2-2021-PCI envisages the construction of the necessary infrastructure that will achieve the target parameters for the expansion of the storage facility.
The implementation of the activities under the Project will contribute to the realisation of PCI 6.20.2, which will lead to increased security of gas supply for the country and the South Eastern Europe region, and will contribute to establishing an interconnected and competitive energy market.
Main objective: Construction and commissioning of infrastructure required to achieve the envisaged parameters of Chiren UGS expansion (PCI 6.20.2 Chiren UGS Expansion).
Expected outcome: As a result of the project implementation, the target parameters for the expansion of the Chiren UGS will be achieved - an increase in the active gas volume up to 1 bcm and the daily injection and withdrawal capacity up to 8-10 mcm/day.
The construction activities will be carried out on the territory of Northwest Bulgaria, in the area of the Chiren structure and are expected to be completed within 37 months.
The proposed work plan is organized into a total of three WPs. Two of these refer to the procurement of supplies of materials and equipment, construction works and construction-related services on individual infrastructure elements. A WP for project management is also envisaged.
Total amount of the grant: € 77,910,018.00
Commencement: 8 February 2022 / End: 7 March 2025
Current status:
- January 2022 – The project has been approved for grant funding under the Connecting Europe Facility
- June 2022 – Signed Grant Agreement with СINEA
- August 2022 – Launched public procurements for the selection of contractors for the planned activities
- January 2023 - Signed contract for the construction and commissioning of the above-ground facilities
- April 2023 - Signed contract for design, construction and commissioning of the underground facilities (wells)
- July 2023 - Opening of the construction site for the above-ground facilities
Additional information:
Information on the public procurements for the project activities is available in the Section Buyer Profile on Bulgartransgaz EAD website.
Chiren UGS expansion has the European Commission's support and the project has been included in all currently approved Lists of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) for EU.
PCI 6.20.2 Chiren UGS Expansion is a project whose development is being observed by the regional initiative for Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity - CESEC).
Chiren UGS has been classified as a national site by a decision of the Council of Ministers, and its expansion is also a priority project for the Three Seas Initiative.
Further project information is available here.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.