Implementing Art. 25 of the Daily Imbalance and Neutrality Charge Calculation Methodology adopted with EWRC’s decision under Protocol no. 122/11.07.2019 item 5 effective as of 19 July 2019, we propose for public consultation a draft decision of the Management Board (MB) of the Company determining the amount of the small adjustment, the clearing period for the neutrality account for balancing and the criteria for applying the achieved prices for natural gas purchase and sale on the operational platforms for natural gas trade, approved by the transmission system operator, for calculation of the price of natural gas for balancing valid for the upcoming Gas Year 2021 - 2022.

Draft of the MB’s decision is available here.

Motives for the proposed values of the parameters according to Art. 25 of the Methodology are available here.

All interested parties may submit their positions on the proposed Draft Decision from 02 August 2021 to 13 August 2021 inclusive, to the official email address of the company:

We look forward to your comments and recommendations.