Dear partners,
We would like to inform you that following the public consultations held in the period 7 August 2023 – 18 August 2023 with Decision under Protocol of Bulgartransgaz EAD Management Board № 730/24.08.2023 the values of the parameters under Art. 25 of Daily Imbalance and Neutrality Charge Calculation Methodology valid for Gas Year 2023/2024 as follow:
- The small adjustment under Art. 12(4) of the Methodology amounts to 8 %;
- The clearing period for the neutrality account for balancing shall be 6 months;
- Тhe criteria for determining the price of natural gas for balancing apply as follows:
- Number of completed transactions - more than 2 (two) commercial transactions
- Minimum total volume of executed transactions 1 000 MWh for the reporting day.